Trading Access
MINMETALS FUTURES CO.,LTD offers various exchange-approved professional trading platforms integrated with our outstanding service. You would have fast, secure and reliable access to all 5 exchanges (SHFE&INE, DCE, CFFEX, ZCE and GFE) for your trading needs. From commercial hedger to individual trader, we align your trading style with the platform that's right for you.
We provide:
1. Flexible connection methods FIX API and CTP API
2. Largest IDC deployed nationwide and most complete network infrastructures
3. Most efficient trading systems:
- For HFT (high frequency traders): APIs trading systems such as FPGA (Shengli), CTP, Femas, X1, Esunny Morningstar
- For International trading systems: FIS, Bloomberg EMSX, CQG, ATP
4. Real time market data:
- Level I market data: FPGA market data (Shengli/Shance), real-time UDP market data
- Level II market data: SHFE, INE, DCE, ZCE, CFFEX, GFE